science jokes

Version 7.71.4 Time-stamp: "2014-11-26".    This page made on 16-03-23

Science humor collected by Joachim Verhagen (

"Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease
to be amused."

This is a collection of more than 2500 scientific jokes from Usenet, or
mailed or told to me.  You are free to read and use them on the net or in
conversation.  Please keep the original author, copyright information and
sender when you use them; mentioning this list is optional.

The latest version is available from FTP and WWW:
WWW: (html-format, about 1.5M)
WWW: (ASCII format, about

Send comments and contributions (especially contributions) to: (Joachim Verhagen). You will be acknowledged with
your name and e-mail adress (and/or your webpage if you prefer that.)  If
you have a science humor webpage you can add it to the science humor
net ring at .


If we couldn't laugh at ourselves, that would be the end of everything -- Niels Bohr. Enjoy -- Joachim Verhagen

Member of the Science Humor Net Ring
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